Photo Illustration Lecture
Due Dates
Gold Day: Start: 2.28.20 Due: 3.31.20
Black Day: Start: 3.1.20 Due: 3.30.20
Black Day: Start: 3.1.20 Due: 3.30.20
Lecture Slides
Group Assignment
- You will be divided into small groups
- Read the provided story (read aloud in your group – take turns)
- Then follow the instructions on the attached instruction sheet (Each person should have a responsibility in the project)
- After you have completed all the questions and discussions on the front sheet of your article, you will come up with three (3) sketches showing your ideas for the editorial concept. Remember, no Docudrama! Each sketch should have a Good Headline and a small factoid.
- After your group has completed all of the above, then you will present it to Ms. Stark. Ms. Stark will discuss your process and ideas with you and will either approve your work to begin photographing and compiling images.
- After your work is approved, you will need to decide which illustration you will do.
- Then you will divide up the responsibilities.
- You will turn in your article, all your sketches, a list of group names and what each person did in the group.
- You will save your image as a Photoshop document and JPG image.
- You will send the JPG to Ms. Stark with your period number and group number in the subject line... list your names in the body of the message you send.
- Try to keep the same lighting for any of the images you will be using together (i.e., try not to shoot photos in different places if you can avoid it. For instance, if you shoot in a room with fluorescent lighting, make sure your white balance and ISO are set correctly and shoot all other photos in the same condition so that they match up).
- When taking photos, be aware of the background. Why? Because in most cases, you will be cutting the background out. If it is too busy or the color is too close to your subject's color, then it will be difficult to cut it out in Photoshop..