Due Dates
Gold Day: Start: 2.28.20 Due: 3.31.20
Black Day: Start: 3.1.20 Due: 3.30.20
Black Day: Start: 3.1.20 Due: 3.30.20
Don't be afraid to bounce some ideas off of me. You may bring your props to school or you may photograph outside of the school, whichever suits your team the best; HOWEVER, please be reminded some props that you might want to use will not be appropriate to bring to class; thus, you will need to photograph them outside of class.
What must be turned in as one packet:
What must be turned in as one packet:
- Each person's notes and contributions to the project
- The Illustration in jpg format. Should be set at 8.5 x 11 at 300 ppi.
- Do not email this project... bring it to me on a flash drive.
- Our regular rubric with a couple of appropriate "tweaks" will
apply to this project.
Everyone in your group will receive the same grade.
- All photos must be original
- You may not take anything from the internet
- All final products must have 2 or more photos put together to make it work
- Due to the nature of some of the photos, some may need to be taken outside of class.
You will find some previous work by students below. If you missed class on the day that I went over these, please make sure you talk to a team member who was there so you can identify what quality work is. Some of these might not be up to expectations.