What is Photography?
August 28 (Black day) August 31 (Gold day)
The reading below will come after the lecture. Just click on the the first slide and then you can hit next. If this is too small for you to read, then read the assigned reading in your text.
Lecture Notes
If you missed class or would like to review these videos again, it will only work on your personal computer (with internet access) or your smart phone. If you have none of the above, then you need to see me so that you can watch the video on your own.
Period 5 (Virtual) Recorded Class
Remember: Log on to your digital textbook: https://stlucie.davisartspace.com/ ~ remember your USERNAME and PASSWORD are your 56# (student number)
- Complete the reading in your digital textbooks page 2 – 47
- Complete the online Activity Sheet for this lecture and reading. This will be due no later than September 3 black day/4 gold day.
Remember: Log on to your digital textbook: https://stlucie.davisartspace.com/ ~ remember your USERNAME and PASSWORD are your 56# (student number)